Summer Academy - Santo Tirso, renewed the bet on a project with a future!


After the huge success achieved in 2016, the National Footvolley Federation and the Municipality of Santo Tirso renew their bet and partnership for 2017. In an innovative and dynamic sport project but also social nature, which meets a young and adult and which is based on the basic principles and objectives of the FNFV the massification of the footvolley practice and consequently its growth.

Those interested will thus have the opportunity to try / train every Tueday and Thrusday (5:00 pm), between July and September, at the Parque Desportivo Sara Moreira, in Santo Tirso.

The activities will be managed by Professor Pedro Salvador, also one of the main figures and with remarkable achievements in National and International Footvolley.

Informations: Divisão de Desporto | 252 830 406 |