National Footvolley Championship 2023 - Calendar


As a result of several partnerships with public and private entities, the National Footvolley Federation - Portugal has the honor to announce the competitive calendar for 2023, the 18th edition of the national championship. This year the competition will have 6 stages and the final event where the best teams with try to conquer of the national title of 2023.

National Footvolley Championship 2023 calendar:

I Stage - Porto - 10 -11 June
II StageI - Albufeira - 22 - 23 July
III Stage - Faro - 12 - 13 August (canceled)
III Stage - Portimão - 26 - 27 August
IV Stage - Póvoa de Varzim - 9 - 10 September *Rescheduled
V Stage - Moura - 16 - 17 September *Rescheduled
Final of the National Footvolley Championship (18th edition) Carvoeiro, Lagoa - 7 - 8 October


I Stage - Porto - 10 June
II Stage - Portimão - 27 August
III Stage - Póvoa de Varzim - 9 September *Rescheduled
Final of the National Footvolley Championship - Moura - 16 - 17 September *Rescheduled