Vila Real will host a Training Session on the 6th of May

Next Saturday, May 6th, Vila Real, more specifically the Complexo Fluvial de Recreação e Lazer de Codessais, will be the great host of the National Footvolley.

In this way, athletes, coaches and sports technicians will have the opportunity to participate in a footvolley initiation level training action that will take place in two distinct parts, the theoretical one from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and the practice that will take place on the sand field between at 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm.

Pedro Salvador, a great name in the history of National Footvolley, licensed in the sport, will be the promotor of the aforementioned action.

This action aims to provide an effective response to the initial but also continuous need for training in the sport, taking into account the challenge launched by Futevólei Clube de Vila Real, a club recently founded in the municipality of Vila Real, which in such a short time in its history has been carrying out several initiatives and an increasing number of members and practitioners.

Footvolley is a modality that easily adapts to other environments and conditions also offered in inland regions, and it is this bet and opportunity that leads FNFV to bet on a modality for everyone, increasing the offer in terms of its practice.

For more information / registration: 914 138 773