On the 25th of April, the 1st Youth Footvolley Tournament of RAM will take place at Praia de Machico, open to all young people on the island aged between 12 and 18 years old. The event, which will have the support and collaboration of AFRAM and CMM, comes within the scope of the Professional Aptitude Test of one of the EBSM students who presents himself as an ADM intern in the achievement of the partnership between these two institutions. The race is the culmination of a whole series of activities, promotions and weekly training around the footvolley modality.
It should be noted that, in addition to the prizes for the first three places, the winning team will automatically qualify to join the competitive framework of the II AFRAM stage of the Madeira regional circuit, which will also take place on Machico beach, on the same day, in the afternoon. This will be the 2nd of 5th qualifying stages for the Regional Championship.
Remember that the inaugural stage took place on the 26th of March on Machico beach, with the team Jorge Lobo / Dany Gonçalves, representatives of the ADN Ponta do Sol, climbing to the highest place on the podium.
The 3rd stage will be held on Ilha Dourada (Porto Santo) on the 20th of May.

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