Bruno Menezes and Eduardo Oliveira win the 8th stage of the National Championship


Bruno Menezes, better known as 'Bruninho de Búzios' and Eduardo Oliveira, also known as 'Dudu', representatives of FC Carcavelos, were the big winners of the 8th stage of the Campeonato Nacional de Futevólei 2022, played this weekend, 27th and 28th of August, in Portimão, more specifically in the magnificent and well-known Praia da Rocha.

After two very competitive days, the duo from Carcavelos, once again showed not only their favoritism, but above all, all their technical and physical capacity in the face of the competition, recording that they have six victories in this phase of the championship, as many stages as they participated, going through a great moment of form, they beat all the opponents they had in front of them and climbed once again to the highest place on the podium.

The 8th stage of the championship was attended by 23 teams/doubles, representing 7 clubs, from the north to the south of the country.

On Saturday, August 27th, 15 teams competed, with the Silver Stage going on throughout the day, in a total of 28 games, with the first four places in the Silver Stage under discussion, António Custodinho / Nivaldo Barros ( FC 11 Esperanças), Gustavo Cavaco / Cláudio Cavaco (CRD Santaluziense), Milton Santos / Leandro Machado (FC 11 Esperanças) and Eddie Ribeiro / Victor Veloso (FC Carcavelos), in that order, guaranteed their passport to the Gold Phase.

The last day of competition, Sunday, August 28, with the Gold Stage on the schedule, began at 9:30 am, with 22 games to be played, to find the big winners of the stage.

On a day full of emotions, a lot of spectacle, audience and animation, before the most decisive moment there were 2 very disputed semi-finals, while in the first semi-final Bruno Menezes / Eduardo Oliveira (FC Carcavelos) only in the 'tiebreak' set managed to overcome the valuable and experienced pair Djalmir Andrade / David Peres (FC 11 Esperanças), in a game with a lot of alternation in the score, with the partials of 18x16, 14x18 and 15x11, in the second semi-final David Dias / Fábio Murraças (FC Ferreiras/Arena Ataboeira ) despite the victory in 2 sets with no response with the partials 19x17 and 18x11, they faced the experienced and valuable duo Filipe Santos / Jorge Gamboa (CD Póvoa), who never gave up and offered some replica especially in the 1st set.

With the 2 finalist pairs known, it was important to know who would occupy the last places on the podium, in a game of stop and continuous response, Filipe Santos / Jorge Gamboa (CD Póvoa) were happier against Djalmir Andrade / David Peres (FC 11 Esperanças) and ended up being winners with the score closing at 22x20.

In the game of all decisions, Bruno Menezes / Eduardo Oliveira (FC Carcavelos), despite the good replica of the Algarve duo, were once again very balanced and effective in their game, defending well and attacking even better, they ended up winning by 2 sets no response, namely with the partials 18x12 and 18x15, David Dias / Fábio Murraças (FC Ferreiras / Arena Ataboeira), a duo that has long been chasing their first win on a national championship stage.

Over the last few years, the municipality/city of Portimão and its famous Praia da Rocha, a magnificent natural setting, have hosted the main national competition of the sport, being increasingly considered one of the places of reference for national athletes, but also for lovers of the sport and the general public, this weekend was no exception, there were undoubtedly two intense days, but above all, the quality of the sports show, the constant animation and intense emotions shared with all those present should be highlighted, another great moment of affirmation of the modality considered by many as the best sporting spectacle practiced in the sand.

In a joint organization of the Federação Nacional de Futevólei, the event had the main support of the Municipality of Portimão, Claw, SportsPartner, among other local partners.

The next stage, the ninth, will take place next weekend, 3rd and 4th of September, with the Parque dos Quartéis sand field, in Moura, hosting, for the second consecutive year, the best footvolley and the main figures of the modality.